L’ouvrage European Awareness through Art est le fruit d’un travail collaboratif européen labélisé eTwinning de deux ans entre le collège de la Source à Mouthe et des partenaires européens. Languages.png

« How about going places together…and sharing new artistic experiences? Isn’t that the best way to achieve our Lifelong Learning Comenius European Programme? » wrote a 14 year-old student from collège de la Source, Mouthe-France. Commenius-3.png The FRESBICY team was born during an eTwinning contact seminar whose topic was Art and Artistic Creativity in Education. It is composed of a team of four cheerful and enthusiastic teachers, representatives of France, EStonia, the Balearic Islands and Cyprus. The four of them expressed genuine interest in Art and Creativity and therefore started to work on a collaborative project in which their 13-15 year-old students would get involved in. Estonia.png Then, they agreed to implement a Multilateral Comenius Partnership Programme, which would allow their students to acquire some European Awareness by exchanging ideas and artistic works. This programme would also give them the opportunity to learn each other about their own countries, to meet regularly and develop close and lasting friendships. But also… to become young artists, naturally! That’s how we decided to embark all together on a thoroughly two-year planned journey entitled: [**European Awareness through Art*] Artistical_exchanges.png

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