Cette webquest sur Thanksgiving est à faire rapidement en salle multimedia avec une classe de 6e ou 5e.
1) How much do you know about Thanksgiving ?
Right or wrong ? Justify
- Thanksgiving is a feast.
- Thanksgiving is on the first Thursday of November.
- People eat turkey and cranberry sauce on that day.
- We celebrate Thanksgiving in France.
- Children don’t go to school during ( = pendant) 4 days.
2) Go to this website : [http://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving]
and look for
information about The First Thanksgiving
– Year
– Period of the year ( season) :
– Persons concerned :
– Place ( city , state and country):
– Menu
3) Go further…..
- Pilgrims came from France England Asia
- They went to this new country by _____ship_____train_____plane
- Name of the means ( moyen ) of transport : ______________
- Complete this sum up.
In 1620 , English people called __________ came to ________________
aboard the __________________. Winter was hard and many of them died. But
Wampanoag _____________ helped them so the following ______________ , in
_________, they invited the Native Americans for dinner to thank them. Today, they
_____________ Thanksgiving on the __________ Thursday of ______________.
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