Publié : 26 juillet 2010

Webquest Thanksgiving

Niveau A2

Cette webquest sur Thanksgiving est à faire rapidement en salle multimedia avec une classe de 6e ou 5e.

1) How much do you know about Thanksgiving ?

Right or wrong ? Justify.

  1. Thanksgiving is a feast.
  1. Thanksgiving is on the first Thursday of November.
  1. People eat turkey and cranberry sauce on that day.
  1. We celebrate Thanksgiving in France.
  1. Children don’t go to school during ( = pendant) 4 days.

2) Go to this website  : [] and look for
information about The First Thanksgiving

- Year
- Period of the year ( season) :

- Persons concerned :

- Place ( city , state and country) :

- Menu

3) Go further.....

  1. Pilgrims came from  France  England  Asia
  1. They went to this new country by _____ship_____train_____plane
  1. Name of the means ( moyen ) of transport : ______________
  1. Complete this sum up.

In 1620 , English people called __________ came to ________________
aboard the __________________. Winter was hard and many of them died. But
Wampanoag _____________ helped them so the following ______________ , in
_________, they invited the Native Americans for dinner to thank them. Today, they
_____________ Thanksgiving on the __________ Thursday of ______________.

Documents joints

Ressource proposée par:
  • Liseby GUY

    Professeur d’anglais au collège Voltaire de Besançon

  • Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    Publié : 26 juillet 2010